Client Feedback Form

Kevin Dorman (they/them), owner of Prismatic Speech Services, here. This page is for current or former clients of Prismatic Speech Services to provide any and all feedback they have about their experience working with their individual clinician, or Prismatic as a whole. If you haven't worked with Prismatic before, this page is not for you! If you have worked with Prismatic, thank you for visiting this page and considering giving us some feedback. All types of feedback are welcome; we would be delighted to celebrate positive experiences with you, and are reliant on your constructive criticism to make sure we are providing the best experience we can.

A few important details: I am sent all form responses; no one else will be able to see what you write here. I do need a name and email associated with the feedback to ensure veracity of information provided, and depending on the details, I may reach out to you for clarification to assist me in navigating my response. There is an option to remain anonymous in my discussion of your entry with the relevant clinician.

If you need anything else or have feedback on the form itself, don't hesitate to send me an email at
Thanks for your time!
-Kevin Dorman