Services Available in Georgia!

We are delighted to announce that Prismatic Speech Services’ clinician has expanded their license to another state! As of this afternoon, we can provide online transgender vocal training and habilitative voice therapy to the state of Georgia! This joins North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia as the fourth state we can accept clients from through the …

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Pride 2018 Sale!

Pride Month is a time for all LGBTQIA+ people to celebrate their identities in a world that decries our existence. This observation is held every year in June in recognition of the Stonewall Riots of 1969, during which queer/trans people (largely people of color) began resisting cisgender, heterosexual oppression in a demonstration of unity, love, …

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Online Voice Training Available in South Carolina!

Prismatic Speech Services is delighted to announce that we are now accepting clients from both North and South Carolina! Our transgender vocal training and rehabilitative voice therapy services are available in-person at our office in Greensboro and remotely via telepractice. We hope to hear from you soon! Read about our Speech-Language Pathologist! Free Resources: 1. What IS …

Read more Online Voice Training Available in South Carolina!


The Voice is a Powerful Tool For many of us, it is the primary modality we employ for communicating with others. Using our voice, we can socialize and express empathy and understanding. We can build mutually beneficial relationships and close emotional bonds. We can express our opinions and feelings at work and home, work through …

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6 Vocal Hygiene Tips You Need To Know!

In order to breathe easily and produce voice with the least amount of effort, one needs to establish a foundation of healthy habits to promote vocal hygiene. At Prismatic Speech Services, both transgender vocal training and rehabilitative voice therapy clients begin with learning the basics of proper vocal hygiene. Oftentimes, underlying vocal hygiene issues can …

Read more 6 Vocal Hygiene Tips You Need To Know!

Telepractice: Long-Distance Speech Services

When it comes to seeking specialty services, such as voice therapy, finding a quality provider nearby can be a challenge. When trying to find clinics which have subspecialties like transgender vocal training, it can be near impossible. Most clinicians who specialize in these services tend to cluster around larger cities, where a more reliable stream …

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A stylized depiction of the larynx.

Pitch Production: What’s the Buzz?

Pitch refers to the relative "highness" or "lowness" of a sound based on the rate of its vibrations. In this blog post, we examine the underlying mechanisms and physics that help us produce pitch. Previously, we explored how breathing works and how exhaling provides the fuel for voicing. As discussed in that post, on an …

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